Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler

Dr. Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler

Short biography

Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler works at the interface between technology – organization – people and is currently employed as Senior Scientist at the TU Wien (institute for management Science, department Labor Science and Organization). She finished her Bachelor for Management, Business and Administration at New College Durham. Afterwards she completed her MSc in Psychology (focus work organization and economic psychology) and her PhD in Social Sciences at the University of Vienna and conducted further education in the area of Coaching (Institute of Systemic Coaching and Training) and Supervision (issa’s college of management).

Her current research interests and work focus on the topic of “New Ways of Working”. These buzzwords define flexible working in terms of time and location, which has become possible thanks to information and communication technologies. When employees can choose their own working hours and place of work, this not only has an impact on the employees themselves, but also changes coordination and communication processes within the team, which also requires adjustments at the organizational level. It brings issues such as trust and power as well as healthy leadership to the fore. She is currently leading several research projects on these topics, looking at them from different angles (Teamorama, Smartworking, Four is more?!, Leadership & Teamwork, Teamwork Advanced). In order to make the scientific results accessible to the public, she regularly gives interviews for magazines and newspapers.