Current research topics and projects

Digitalization and Networking


Networking tree of the EuProGiant project (PNG)

© EuProGigant

European Production Giganet for calamity avoiding self-orchestration of value chain and learning ecosystems

Smart and sovereign use of data in manufacturing

Digital Teaching and Training


A teacher using a pad to teach online.

© Hatice EROL auf Pixabay

Crisis-Resistant Digital Education and Training
An Erasmus+ Project to Strengthen the Crisis-Resistance of Product Design Education
Keywords: Digital Education; Crisis Management; Online Training  

Product Hackathons in higher Education

Pro Hackin'

Live Hackathon @ TUW

© ProHackin'

Product Hackathons for Innovative Development
Pro Hackin' is an Erasmus+ project led by four European engineering universities
Main objectives: improving teaching and learning methods in engineering education
Product hackathons focus on the development of physical, tangible and technical products
Investigate the potential of product hackathons for design and encourage their wider implementation
Keywords: Product Hackathons I Open Innovation I Fast Idea Generation I Remote Engineering Teams


The rapid technological progress of information and communication technology and the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution require a rethink in the development, manufacture and use of modern systems. In order to be successful on the market, future products will have to fulfill increasingly complex functions, the development of which requires knowledge from the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science. So-called intelligent or smart systems require coordinated methods, processes and IT procedures of virtual product development as well as the efficient management of information throughout the entire product life cycle. In this context, the research group Virtual Product Development is characterized by a strong focus on industrial use cases, a fact that is also reflected in the research profile.

Research fields MIVP Tempel (PNG)

Research fields MIVP Tempel

The Virtual Product Development subject field is concerned with the computer-aided, model-based representation and description of complex technical systems, including their properties and behavior.

The Industrial Information Systems in Product Creation subject field is concerned with the integration and optimization of IT processes for cross-domain and multidisciplinary product information management. A special focus is on system modeling and the information technology integration of product development, production system development and production (PDM, PLM, and others).

The Industrial Machine Learning subject field deals with the development and optimization of intelligent algorithms for industrial use cases. This enables the generation of knowledge from existing data over the entire product life cycle as well as the support and automation of production processes and business decisions.