The energy transition towards a renewable energy system is crucial for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As the manufacturing industry is responsible for over 40% of GHG emissions, it must play a key role in the energy transition. This presents significant challenges, particularly due to increasing volatility in the power grid. To ensure grid stability, companies must maximize their energy flexibility and better synchronize their energy usage with the availability of renewable energy.

Schematic overview of the structure of the digital cross-company planning method

© Frauenhofer

The UMBERTO project is developing an innovative planning and control method based on digital twins. The goal is to optimize energy flexibility in the manufacturing industry across company boundaries, thereby reducing CO2 emissions. This method enhances the coordination of energy usage between companies while simultaneously strengthening grid stability. A key component of UMBERTO is also the development of transformation pathways for a flexible industrial energy system that is based on renewable energy and avoids lock-in effects. Through mathematical optimization, the ideal timing for technology changes, the sizing of new components, and adaptability to future changes are determined. The research consortium is testing this method in a real-world case with three energy-intensive companies and their energy supplier to enable direct implementation and contribute to climate-neutral production.