Dates and Deadlines

Dear students, as we frequently receive enquiries about the deadlines and dates relevant to you, we have summarised them for you on this page.

Pre-study achievements and accreditation

Recognition of prior study achievements (!) must take place within the first 2 semesters. Credits earned during your studies, even at other universities/colleges, can also be recognised later/at graduation.

Further information can be found on the Website of the Department of Studies or on the Website of the Vice-Rector for Studies and Teaching. The link does not lead directly to the recognition regulation, but to the page where the regulation is published.

Master's programme

Information on admission to Master's programmes with a previous degree from another university can be found on the Website of the Department of Studies. Experience shows that the admission process from other universities takes about 12 - 14 weeks. Please bear this in mind when applying for admission! For example, if you want to start your Master's programme in October, it is advisable to have all your documents at the Admissions Office by the end of July.

This does not (!) apply to students who have already completed their Bachelor's degree programme at TU Wien. This is called a consecutive programme. In this case, admission to the (subject-related) Master's programme can be applied for informally throughout the year by sending an e-mail to

Master's thesis:

Deadline Individual deadlines - 3 weeks in advance, all documents required for completion must be submitted to the Dean's Office.

The stated deadline for a collective submission must be strictly adhered to!

The dissertation must be registered with TISS by the supervisor no later than 1 month after the start of the dissertation. It is too late to submit the thesis shortly before graduation!

For more information on completing a Master's programme, please refer to Degrees - Completing a Master's Programme.

Doctoral Programme

The dissertation agreement including the abstract must be submitted (by your supervisor) no later than 6 months after the start of the doctoral programme!

2 months / 8 weeks before the end of the doctoral programme - submission of the final PDF in digital form for plagiarism check to the Dean of Studies and cc Sara Engel.

The application for admission to the viva voce and the necessary submission documents must also be sent to the Dean's Office at this time.

Submission of the 2 bound versions approx. 1-2 weeks before the viva voce.

Board Examinations

Appointments for board examinations are made through the respective institute (secretariat) and should be made shortly before the examination date. The necessary form 'Antrag auf eine Board Prüfung' can be found in the download area of the Dean's Office MWBW. Once you have registered for the examination at your institute, please send the completed form 'Application for board examination' to the Dean's Office by e-mail to Sara Engel, Helga Wenczl, opens an external URL in a new window or Carina Grandits, opens an external URL in a new window.