From the 3rd repetition of a course examination, it is a Commissioned Examination (CE) and it is no longer possible to register for an examination at TISS.

Registration for the CE is done with the relevant Dean's office for lectures, so that an examination committee can be formed. The CE is conducted in the same way as the examination mode of the individual course, with the only difference that an examination committee is formed to evaluate the examination.
Please register for tutorials (UE) or lecture tutorials (VU) directly with the institute.


Students are advised to contact the Mechanical and Process Engineering Student Council before taking a CE. Here you can get helpful tips and information from students about the course you are taking, which may help you to cope better with the exam. This is particularly important if this is your last attempt!

Registration for commissioned examinations for lectures

You can register in person (by appointment) or by e-mail (not with the Dean of Academic Affairs or Institutes) via the Student Service Centre at the MWB Dean's Office.

Complete the Application for Commissioned Examinations.pdf, opens a file in a new window form and submit it in person (by appointment) or by email (not to the Dean of Academic Affairs or Institutes).

Within the registration period for the LVA as stated in the TISS.

Cancellations must be made by telephone or email to the institute concerned at least 1 day before the examination.

  • An unexcused absence will result in an 8 week ban.
  • If you are suddenly taken ill on the day of the KP, you must notify the relevant institute immediately (by telephone or e-mail) and provide a doctor's certificate.

Examination Commission

The Examining Commission normally consists of three people: the subject examiner, a second examiner and a chairperson.
Special case: The last exam is also the last exam of the BA programme:
If this is the last exam you will take and also the last exam of your Bachelor's programme, please make sure you mention this when you register. In this case, the examination board must consist of five members.

Number of attempts/repeats:

  1. StEOP courses have a total of 4 attempts if the StEOP (study entry and orientation phase) has not been completed. If the StEOP has been completed, 5 attempts are available for the StEOP courses that have not yet been completed. Study regulations §21 (2)
  2. Regular exercises and lecture examinations may be repeated 4 times, i.e. 5 attempts are available. Study Regulations §21 (1)
  3. There is an additional examination entry for the last possible examination of the programme, i.e. 6 entries are available. University Act §77 (2)