Marcus Franz Wareyka-Glaner receives the Award of Excellence 2023 certificate from Education Minister Martin Polaschek
© BMBWF/ elephant and porcelain GmbH/ Gerald Mayer-Rohrmoser

Marcus Franz Wareyka-Glaner was honored with the Award of Excellence for his outstanding dissertation.

Group photo with Robert Weber, Qing Li, Johannes Böhm and Philipp Berglez

We warmly congratulate Qing Li on the successful defence of his dissertation on 12.10.2023 and wish him all the best for the future!

Robert Weber giving his farewell lecture.
© Dimoiu

On the occasion of his retirement, Robert Weber looked back on his time at TU Wien at a small celebration on 18 September 2023.

An analogue round clock with legs is overtaken by a rotating earth with legs while running.
© GEO/SBoehm

On 26 August 2023, universal time determined by Earth rotation (UT1) overtook the coordinated universal time (UTC), defined by atomic clocks. UT1 led…

Closeup photo of the hands and number on a silver watch
© Agê Barros @

Register to our bachelor's programme in geodesy and geoinformation (in German)!

Construction work with sparks
© Christopher Burns

Soft launch