Welcome to the event website of GEO Day, the open day of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation. Here you will find all information on future events and can view impressions of previous events.

You can find an introduction to the event here: GEO-Day? What is that?

The Department's Open Day will take place this year on April 03 in the Freihaus building of TU Wien. Anyone interested in studying Geodesy and Geoinformation, students, graduates, former employees of the department, as well as family and friends but also all other enthusiasts of the world of remote sensing, geoinformation, surveying, geophysics or cartography are cordially invited.

Once again this year, many companies from the industry will be on site and are looking forward to interesting questions and discussions with visitors at the company fair from 13:00 to 16:00. At the GEO-Department stand, prospective students can obtain information about studying geodesy and geoinformation and try out experiments themselves.

Students who are looking for a topic for their Bachelor's/Master's thesis or job/internship will find a large selection of job advertisements in the job corner.

Afterwards, there will be the opportunity to end the evening in a relaxed atmosphere at the get-together. Drinks and snacks will again be served by the Geodesy and Geoinformation Student Council.

The following companies coming to GEO-Day:

On April 03, 2025, the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation invites you to an open day at TU Wien. Two time slots are offered, the event can be attended by school classes in the morning at 9.00 am (5th-8th grade) or in the morning at 11.00 am (9th-13th grade). The time slots will take about 2 hours each.

The aim of GEO Day is to explain the application areas of surveying, earth observation, laser scanning, robotics and much more using practical stations, experiments and short presentations. The experiments and hands-on activities at the stations are designed to make science "understandable".

This year, visitors to the open day can watch a short lecture and eight stations from the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation. Classes from grades 9-13 are cordially invited to visit the company fair in the afternoon after the stations, to get to know innovative approaches of companies and to get a taste of the professional world of geodesy and geoinformation.

Riegl,, opens an external URL in a new window Leica Geosystems, opens an external URL in a new window, BEV, opens an external URL in a new window, Synergis, opens an external URL in a new window, Alterra, opens an external URL in a new window and many other companies from the industry will be there.

The Student Council for Geodesy and Geoinformation, opens an external URL in a new window will once again provide refreshments, drinks and snacks.

The following stations of the department's research areas are offered::

  • Blick auf die Erde: vom Erdkern bis zum Rand der Galaxie (Higher Geodesy/Geophysics)
  • Satelliten im Einsatz: Was messen sie und wozu brauchen wir das? (CLIMERS/Remote Sensing/ Higher Geodesy)
  • Ich seh, ich seh was du nicht siehst: von Pflanzen und dem Klimawandel (CLIMERS/Geophysics)
  • Von der Realität zum digitalen 3D-Modell (Photogrammetry/Engineering Geodesy)
  • Von Daten zu Karten – wie digitale Stadtpläne unser Bild der Wirklichkeit prägen (Cartography)
  • Virtual Reality (Geoinformation)
  • Augmented Reality (Geoinformation)

The GEO Day 2025 for school classes is unfortunately already fully booked! We would be delighted to welcome you and your students next year.


Sticker mit Datum GEO-Tag 2025

Come along to the open day of the GEO department on 3 April!

Dates for GEO-Day 2025

Dates for GEO Day and Online GEO Week have been set.