30. May 2022, 11:00 until 12:30

Geo Colloquium: Daniel R. Montello


The Study of Cognition in Geographic Information Science

Our next talk in our Geo Colloquium series:

Daniel R. Montello, opens an external URL in a new window, professor at the Departments of Geography and Psychological & Brain Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
The Study of Cognition in Geographic Information Science


Geographic information scientists (GIScientists) study representations of the earth and its human and natural structures and processes, as depicted in words, numbers, pictures, and possibly other formats.  Cognitive scientists study knowing and knowledge in humans, nonhuman animals, and sentient machines.  This includes perception, thinking, reasoning, problem solving, memory, attention, and language.  In this talk, I consider theoretical and practical reasons why the study of cognition matters to GIScience and GISystems.  I present research my colleagues and I have conducted that explores the intersection of geographic information and cognition.  In this way, I show that GIScience is, in part, a cognitive science.

Calendar entry

Event location

FH HS 7 (Freihaus, 2nd floor, yellow area)
1040 Wien
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8





Entrance fee



Registration required
