[Translate to English:] Image of seasonally-averaged C3S soil moisture over Europe

The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) aims to provide authoritative, quality assured climate data records of essential climate variables (ECVs). In this project we will build upon the legacy of the ESA CCI Soil Moisture project to produce a long-term consistent soil moisture climate data record and update this product every 10 days with the latest observations. In addition to the daily active, passive and combined active+passive microwave soil moisture products also decadal (10-daily) and monthly mean products are generated and provided to the Copernicus Climate Data Store, opens an external URL in a new window. Our satellite soil moisture data are used in the annual European State of the Climate Reports (ESotC), opens an external URL in a new window, which summarize climate, climate change and extreme events in Europe. Other partners involved in creating and providing the Satellite Soil Moisture record are: EODC, Plant Labs and ECMWF.


Copernicus Programme

Project duration

November 2016 – March 2028


Development of the long term data record processor
Quality assurance of the datasets
Provision of temporally and spatially resampled data
User support materials
European State of the Climate Report


Earth Observation Data Center (AT), opens an external URL in a new window
Planet Labs (NL), opens an external URL in a new window
ECMWF, opens an external URL in a new window

CLIMERS staff involved

Wouter Dorigo, opens an external URL in a new window 
Wolfgang Preimesberger, opens an external URL in a new window
Johanna Lems, opens an external URL in a new window
David D. Kovacs, opens an external URL in a new window

Project URL

https://climate.copernicus.eu/, opens an external URL in a new window