In spring 2023, positions for student assistants (20h) were advertised for a limited period of 4 months. These positions were not associated with any teaching or administrative tasks. By working at the institute, the master students were to be integrated into the relevant structures of the institutes and working groups. They should get the opportunity to interact with PraeDocs, PostDocs and all employees. The aim was to win these students for a doctorate. The transition from master to doctorate is a very vulnerable career phase at which many women leave academia. However, these women are not only missing in the doctoral programme, but also later as PostDocs, university assistants and professors. We interviewed a few of these female students.

Interview with Johanna Brunar

  • In which area was your master thesis?
    Universal Algebra: I investigated equations that are valid in all "non-trivial" finite algebras.
  •  Who was your supervisor?
    Prof. Michael Pinsker
  •  How did you find out about the programme?
    Through Prof. Pinsker and Prof. Müller, who drew my attention to the advertised position.
  • What are you currently doing? What are your plans?
    Since October 2023 I am a PhD student with Prof. Pinsker at the Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry. Following on from the results of my master thesis, I would like to work with other well-behaved classes of equations.
  • What did you take away/learn?
    The opportunity to talk to the PostDocs at the institute about my Master thesis gave me a completely new approach. They supported me with their expertise and experience in writing mathematical papers. In hindsight, it's a mystery to me what I would have done without their help!
  • Did you learn anything about research that you wouldn't have realised otherwise?
    By joining the research group early on, I was not only able to get a taste of how they work, but also become part of the community. Participating in my first conference was a very special experience for me.
  • Would you recommend the programme to others?

Interview with Amanda Huber

  • In which area was your master thesis?
    At the institute for analysis and computation with the research group Computational Mathematics in Engineering.
  • Who was your supervisor?
    Prof. Joachim Schöberl.
  • How did you find out about the programme?
    By my supervisor Prof. Schöberl.
  • What are you currently doing? What are your plans?
    I am currently doing a doctorate at the TU Vienna.
  • Did you like the programme?
  • What did you take away/learn?
    I was given a very warm welcome in my working group and was able to get to know everyday research life at the university. I found that very interesting and enriching.
  • Did you learn anything about research that you wouldn't have realised otherwise?
    Before the programme, I was also lucky enough to have been given an office space at the institute as part of my master thesis. The big advantage was that I was now paid for writing the thesis.
  • Would you recommend the programme to others?
  • Do you have any tips for female maths students for the master thesis or in general?
    As long as you don't have children, I've never noticed any difference between male and female students when it comes to studying or writing a master thesis. In this respect, I don't have any special tips for female students.

Interview with Lena Wallner

  • In which area was your master thesis?
    In inner model theory. This is a subarea of set theory at the insitute for discrete mathematics and geometry.
  • Who was your supervisor?
    Prof. Sandra Müller and Takehiko Gappo.
  • How did you find out about the programme?
    My supervisor Sandra Müller told me about it.
  • What are you currently doing? What are your plans?
    I started a doctorate with Sandra Müller in December.
  • Did you like the programme?
    The programme was a great enrichment for my studies.
  • What did you take away/learn?
    I learned a lot about the daily life of a researcher in mathematics.
  • Did you learn anything about research that you wouldn't have realised otherwise?
    I have realised that I am suitable for attempting a doctorate and that I find the working environment and working methods very pleasant.
  • Would you recommend the programme to others?
  • Do you have any tips for female maths students for the master thesis or in general?
    I would advise you to ask and get in touch with people who are familiar with your topic. Everyone I have met is willing to help and is happy to take the time for explanations.