Seminar program in SS 2024

for seminar in functional analysis with seminar paper (101.906) and AKANA: seminar in functional analysis for master's students (101.047).

Place and time

The seminar will take place from March 4th in Sem.R. DB yellow 09 from 2:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.


The presence mentioned below that is necessary for a positive note should not only be a physical presence but also a mental presence be understood. In particular, the use of electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, smartphones or the like during lectures is prohibited also in the interest of the colleague presenting the lecture, to refrain!

Currently planned seminar dates:

04.3.2024: Preliminary discussion and topic presentation
11.3.2024: Thomas Speckhofer: Factorization in Haar system Hardy spaces; Abstract, opens a file in a new window
18.3.2024: Lukas Sauer: Frames und Riesz-Basen (1)
08.4.2024: Lukas Sauer: Frames und Riesz-Basen (2)
15.4.2024: Marina Vetrova: Fuglede's theorem
22.4.2024: Christian Emmel: Operator models for meromorphic functions of bounded type
29.4.2024: ????
06.5.2024: ????
13.5.2024: ????
27.5.2024: Benedikt Buchecker: GNS construction on C*-algebras (1)
03.6.2024: Benedikt Buchecker: GNS construction on C*-algebras (2)
Further dates/special dates will also be announced here.

We welcome any interested listener!

Even if someone doesn't want to give a lecture and/or only stops by every now and then when there is a lecture that is interesting to them; We appreciate your interest.

Conditions for obtaining a certificate:

To give a lecture. A lecture will usually take between one and two units, i.e. last between 90 and 180 minutes. To be present on at least 2/3 of the seminar dates. To write a seminar paper for a “seminar with seminar paper”. In any case, this should at least cover the content of the lecture and be around 10 pages long. The grade is based on the quality of the presentation and, for a “seminar with seminar paper” certificate, on the quality of the seminar paper.

To write a seminar paper and give lectures:

A small guide, opens a file in a new window to writing mathematical texts by Harald Woracek. A link to good tips from Markus Faustmann on designing mathematical texts and giving lectures. Please also take a look at the seminar papers we have written previously.