Current projects

  • Erasmus Mundus joint Master program Intermath (with Univ. L'Aquila, TU Hamburg, Univ. Nice, Univ. Autonoma Barcelona), 9/2018 - 8/2026
  • FWF-Project "Numerical Constraints for the Wigner and the Sigma Equation" (with Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien) 4/2020 - 3/2024
  • FWF-Project "Analytical, Numerical and Integrable systems approaches for nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations" (with University of Vienna, University of Bourgogne, University Paris-Sud) 1/2018 - 6/2022
  • SFB "Taming Complexity in Partial Differential Systems", 3/2017 - 2/2025
  • Vienna Center for PDEs, 6/2014 -
  • EU-TEMPUS Project "Applied Computing in Engineering and Science" (12/2013-11/2016)
  • Doctoral School Dissipation and Dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations, financed by the Austrian Research Foundation (FWF), 3/2013-8/2022

Recent projects

  • FWF-Projekt "Quantum Transport Equations: Kinetic, Relativistic, and Diffusive Phenomena" (with Graz University, Peking University; 2/2010-3/2014)
  • ÖAD-Project (with Université de Toulouse, France) "Quantum transport models for semiconductors and Bose-Einstein condensates" (1/2013-12/2014)
  • ÖAD-Project (with Universidad Automoma de Barcelona, Spain; Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France) "Long-time asymptotics for evolution equations in chemistry and biology" (1/2009-12/2011)
  • Doctoral School "Partial differential equations in technical systems: modeling, simulation, and control", co-financed by the Vienna University of Technology
  • Project "Analysis of open quantum systems" within the FWF PhD-program "Differential Equation Models in Science and Engineering" (3/2007-12/2010)
  • ÖAD-Project (with Tsinghua University, China) "Numerical simulation of (non-)linear dispersive waves" (1/2007-12/2009)
  • ESF-Project "Global and geometrical aspects of nonlinear partial differential equations" (6/2004 -6/2009)
  • ÖAD-Project (with France + Spain) "Advanced entropy methods for applied PDEsN"
  • DAAD-Project (with Procope France) "Diffusive Models for Quantum Systems and Wigner Equations (Analysis and Numerics)", (1/2005-12/2006)
  • Project "Numerics and asymptotics of microscopic and mascrocopic equations for quantum systems" within the DFG-concentration program "Analysis, Modeling and simulation of multiscale problems" (9/2000-8/2006)
  • Member of the ALFA-Network "Partial Differential Equations in Industry and Engineering" (1/2003 - 12/2006)
  • DFG-Graduiertenkolleg "Nichtlineare kontinuierliche Systeme und deren Untersuchung mit numerischen, qualitativen und experimentellen Methoden" (4/2002-12/2004)
  • 'Scientist-in-Charge' of the team D1-University Saarbrücken of the IHP-Network "Hyperbolic and Kinetic Equations" (8/2003 - 7/2005)
  • DAAD-Project (with Acciones Integradas-Spain) "Semi-discretization of nonlinear parabolic problems: convergence results and large-time behavior" (1/2004-12/2005)
  • DAAD-Project (with IKYDA-Greece) New Mathematical and Numerical Techniques in Underwater Acoustics (1/2004-12/2005)
  • Coordinator of the TMR-Network "Asymptotic Methods in Kinetic Theory" (3/1998-12/2001)
  • DAAD-Project (with Acciones Integradas-Spain) "Entropy Dissipation Methods for Evolution Equations" (1/2001-3/2003)
  • DFG-Project "Analysis und Numerik von kinetischen Quantentransportmodellen" (7/1996-2/2001)
  • DAAD-Project (with PROCOPE-France) "Makroskopische Modelle für Plasmas" (1/1999-3/2001)
  • DAAD-Project (with Fundacion Antorchas-Argentina) "Hydrodynamische und Quantenhydrodynamische Modelle für Halbleiter" (5/1999-3/2002)
  • DAAD-Project (with Acciones Integradas-Spain) "Langzeitverhalten von parabolischen Gleichungen und Schrödinger Systemen" (1/1999-3/2001)