TU Wien Bibliothek provides access to the most important databases in the technical area. They can be used from all computers with an IP address within the TU Wien campus range, either on campus or - if you are a TU Wien student or employee - from off campus using a VPN client.

How do I access databases?

TU Wien Bibliothek’s databases are accessible via the Databases Information System (DBIS), a platform containing information on a large number of scientific databases from all subject areas. Some of these are free of charge, others have to be licensed by your library. You can browse databases by availability and by subject areas.

Alphabetical list of databases licensed by TU Wien , opens an external URL in a new window

Databases by subjects, opens an external URL in a new window

What information do I find in the databases?

There are bibliographic databases and factual databases:

  • Most of the databases licensed by TU Wien Bibliothek are bibliographic databases (also known as literature databases). These are directories of journal articles, conference and research reports, dissertations, books, but also include patents, standards, and other types of information. Many of these databases contain only abstracts (short descriptions) of the referenced literature. Full-text access is only available if the library has purchased a licence. 
  • Factual databases contain information such as properties of substances, producers and distributers, economic data on companies, statistics and more.

In the databases, you will also find literature that is not held in TU Wien Bibliothek or in other libraries in Vienna. These documents can be obtained for you by our inter-library loan service

Please note the terms of use for e-resources.

Chemistry Databases

The REAXYS, opens an external URL in a new window database, the successor to the Crossfire Beilstein database, offers a graphical interface to access Beilstein, Gmelin as well Patent Chemistry Database.  

The structure editor MarvinSketch, opens an external URL  and the display module MarvinView are Java applets, and require Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to be installed.

Reaxys Predictive Retrosynthesis, opens an external URL in a new window is a tool employing artificial intelligence (AI) to provide scientifically founded synthesis planning and generate predicted synthesis routes. The retrosynthesis planner is only accessible after personal login to Reaxys. Registration is not required. After selecting "Institutional Access" "Vienna University of Technology", you are taken to the TISS login.


TU Wien students and employees have online access to the "CAS SciFinder" Chemical Abstracts database (literature from 1907, substances from 1957) after registering at SciFinder, opens an external URL in a new window.

SciFindern, opens an external URL in a new window  provides access to all CAS databases via a new graphic interface offering comfortable search and display options for chemical reactions. In addition, SciFindern includes the PatentPak tool giving fast interactive access to hard-to-find substance information within patent documents.

TU Wien has licensed a new drawing program for chemical structures: ChemDoodle. Installation is simple:

In case of problems, contact Chemdoodle support, opens an external URL in a new window