Photonics is the technology of light. It comprises the generation, emission, transmission, modulation, signal processing, switching, amplification, detection and sensing of light. It covers all applications of light over the whole spectrum from ultraviolet over the visible to the mid- and far-infrared.
The Photonics Institute focuses its research on the generation of ultrashort high intensity laser pulses, generation of THz pulses and realization of nano-photonic devices as well as their applications. The Photonics Institute is also teaching the full spectrum of photonics in the TU Wien Bachelor's and Master's Programmes.
Ultrashort light pulses are an indispensible tool for the observation of very fast processes such as electron dynamics in semiconductors or the formation of chemical bonds. Laser pulses can be made as short a single cycle of the optical electromagnetic field, or about a femtosecond. The TU Photonics Institute is among the leading labs to produce such pulses that allow studying matter under extremely high electric fields, resulting in novel plasma effects including coherent X ray generation, MeV particle acceleration, as well as non-thermal materials processing and other plasma applications.


Der Standard

Physiker Arnold Schmidt im Alter von 85 Jahren gestorben



Arnold Schmdit

Arnold Schmidt 1938-2024

Arnold Schmidt, emeritierter Univ. Professor der TU Wien und Gründer des Photonik Institutes, ist am 05. Juli 2024 nach langer Krankheit verstorben.





Erasmus+ staff mobility visit

On June 3rd 2024 a three-day visit took place as part of the Erasmus+ staff mobility training of the administrative staff of the the Laboratoire Hubert Curien - Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne from France at the Photonics Institute of the TU Wien.


ETIT-ÖVE High-Profile Lecture: Nobelpreisträger Ferenc Krausz: Elektronen und Lichtwellen – gemeinsam gegen Krankheiten

Am 13. Mai 2024 fand im Kuppelsaal der TU Wien ein fesselndes und für viele ein unvergessliches Event statt.