Case Studies
Overview MARS case studies on Google Maps, opens an external URL in a new window
ENSZEN23 (2022-2023): Modeling of passenger transport measures as part of the project "Energy scenarios for the 2023 reporting requirements", commissioned by: Umweltbundesamt GmbH
FLADEMO (2021-2022): Nationwide mobility service guarantee, funding body: FFG
Transfair-AT (2021-2024): Socially Fair Options for a Climate Neutral Transformation of Housing and Mobility in Austria, opens an external URL in a new window. funding body: Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP)
UBA_Transition2040 (2020): Transition Mobility 2040. Cllient. Umweltbundesamt GmbH
ENSZEN_19 (2019): Modeling of passenger transport measures as part of the WAM project. Client: Federal Environment Agency Company
MARS_Leeds_agreement (2019-2020): Research Funding Agreement for software development and use for Software "MARS", Client: University of Leeds
SAFiP (2018): System Scenarios for Automated Driving in Personal Mobility; Funding body: FFG
Research Funding agreement for Software development and use for Software „MARS“ for the Metropolis Jakarta, Indonesia with the ITS Leeds, opens an external URL in a new window.
ENSZEN17 (2016-2017): Modeling of passenger transport measures in the context of the energy industry scenarios with regard to the 2030 and 2050 climate targets; Client: Umweltbundesamt GmbH
Research Funding agreement for Software development and use for Software „MARS“ within the national project PERITHEL with the European Institute for Energy Research, opens an external URL in a new window. MARS models of the French cities Mulhouse and Strasbourg.
Yang Wang, a PhD student at Transyt, opens an external URL in a new window, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, opens an external URL in a new window, employed a MARS model of the city of Madrid to test a new combined utility- and regret-based assessment methodology in her thesis "Assessing urban mobility trough participatory scenario building and combined utility regret assessment, opens an external URL in a new window".
In the nationally funded research project URBE a MARS model of the metropolitan region Vienna was used to estimate the direct rebound effect of efficiency improvements in the private transport sector.
Within the framework of the doctoral programme URBEM a MARS model of the metropolitan region of Vienna was developed and calibrated for the base year 2011.
The European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER, opens an external URL in a new window) commissioned TUW-IVV to support the set-up of a MARS model of the city of Strasbourg, France.
A PhD student at ITS Leeds, opens an external URL in a new window is developing a MARS model of Bandah Aceh, Indonesia.
A PhD student is currently updating and improving the MARS model of Chiang Mai, Thailand with new household survey data.
Colleagues from Ubon Rachathani University, Thailand used a MARS model of Bangkok in their study "Strategic Modeling for Sustainable Urban Transportation and Land Use Development in Bangkok".
On behalf of the Austrian Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Planning, opens an external URL in a new window (OIR) TUW-IVV developed a MARS model to predict the transport effects of land use planning instruments in the Austrian province of Carinthia. This work was part of a project "Spatial planning and traffic in Carinthia" (Raumordnung und Verkehr in Kärnten) commissioned by the Carinthian provincial government. A short summary of the project in German can be found under, opens an external URL in a new window
A MARS model of the region of Madrid, ES was used by Luis Angel Guzmán-García in his PhD-thesis "Optimicación dinámica de estrategias de movilidad sostenible en áreas metropolitanas, opens an external URL in a new window" (Dynamic optimisation of strategies for sustainable mobility in urban areas), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, opens an external URL in a new window, Centro de Investigación del Transporte - Transyt, opens an external URL in a new window
The European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER, opens an external URL in a new window) bought a license of the MARS software and commissioned TUW-IVV to support the set-up of a MARS model of the city of Mulhouse, France. The aim was to mocel the impact of local policies to optimise the development of electric mobility. Results have been presented in 2012 at the WCTRS , opens an external URL in a new windowSIG10 Urban Transport Policy workshop Emerging Urban Transport Policies towards Sustainability in Vienna.
A MARS model covering the whole area of Austria was developed and used in the national research project EISERN (Energy Investment Strategies and long term Emission Reduction Needs).
TUW-IVV was commissioned by Wiener Stadtwerke Beteiligungsmanagement GmbH to carry out a study on the chances and risks of e-mobility in Vienna. A MARS model of Vienna and Lower Austria was used in combination with the fleet development model SERAPIS owned by the Austrian Energyagency, opens an external URL in a new window to predict the effects of different e-mobility scenarios.
Simone Becker Lopes developed and used a MARS model of Porto Alegre in her PhD thesis "A sustainable mobility planning tool based on an integrated land use-transport model, opens an external URL in a new window" at the
School of Engineering of São Carlos, USP, opens an external URL in a new window.
A MARS model of the city of Leeds, UK, was set for its use within the FP7 project GHG-Transpord, opens an external URL in a new window.
A MARS model of Washington D.C. was set up and used by Matt Hardy in his PhD thesis "Simplified Integrated Transportation and Land Use Modelling to Support Metropolitan Planning Decisions: An Application and Assessment" at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.
The development of a MARS model of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, has been started within the framework of the Mega City Research Project TP. Ho Chi Minh.
In the 6th framework project CITYMOBIL , opens an external URL in a new window(Towards advanced road transport for th urban environment) MARS models of the cities of Almere (NL), Gateshead (UK), Trondheim (N) and Vienna are used to asses the effects of innovative transport systems like PRT (Personal Rapid Transit).
A Vensim(r) based MARS model of the Madrid region is used in the project "Metodología para la evaluación multiobjetivo de estrategias de movilidad urbana y regional" funded by the Ministerio de Fomento, Madrid, ES.
A MARS model of the city of Leeds, GB was adapted for the project DISTILLATE, opens an external URL in a new window (Design and Implementation Support Tools for Integrated Local LAnd Use, Transport and the Environment) funded under the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council's overarching research programme on the development of a Sustainable Urban Environment.
DISTILLATE MARS Leeds demo pack
A MARS model of the "Twin City Region" Vienna - Bratislava (AT-SK) was created in the national research project PLUTO (Prediction of Land Use and Transport changes due to Open borders - a modelling framework for the Vienna - Bratislava metropolitan region) funded by the Viennese Chamber of Economy ("Wiener Wirtschaftskammer, opens an external URL in a new window").
A MARS model of Bari, IT was created and used by Giovanni Circella in his PhD thesis “Integrated land use and transportation planning for sustainable transport solutions” at the Technical University of Bari, opens an external URL in a new window (Italy).
MARS Flight Simulator models of the cities Chiang Mai, TH; Ubon Ratchathani, TH; Hanoi, VN have been created and used within the project SPARKLE funded by the European Commission within the Programme Asia Pro Eco.
A MARS model of the city of Edinburgh, GB was used in combination with models on a European level and a world energy market model in the project STEPS, opens an external URL in a new window (Scenarios for the Transport system and Energy supply and their Potential effectS) funded by the European Commission in its 6th framework programme.
A MARS model of the Vienna Region, AT in Visual Basic for Applications(r) was created in a project on behalf of the Viennese Municipal Department 18.
A MARS model of the region of Madrid, ES in VBA(r) was used by Paula Vieira Gonçalves de Souza in her PhD-thesis "Modelización de la interacción de usos del suelo y transporte. Aplicación al corredor A-3 de Madrid, opens an external URL in a new window" at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, opens an external URL in a new window, Centro de Investigación del Transporte - Transyt, opens an external URL in a new window.
A MARS model of the citz of Leeds, UK in VBA(r) was used in the project SPECTRUM, opens an external URL in a new window (Studies of Policies regarding Economic instruments Complementing Transport Regulation and the Undertaking of physical Measures) funded by the European Community under the "Competitive and Sustainable Growth" Programme.
MARS models of the six European capitals Edinburgh, GB; Helsinki, FI; Madrid, ES; Oslo, NO; Stockholm, SE; Vienna, AT in VBA(r) have been created and used in the project PROSPECTS, opens an external URL in a new window (Procedures for Recommending Optimal Sustainable Planning of European City Transport Systems) funded by the European Commission within the 5th framework programme.