[Translate to English:] Exkursions-Gruppe in Stuttgart mit Iva Kovacic

© E210-01

Guppenfoto Studierender unter Leitung Frau Prof.in Kovacic

From 31 May to 2 June 2020, we visited the Züblin Haus in Stuttgart with students, as well as many other exciting projects, including Stuttgart 21 and ‘Allianz Park Vaihingen’.

At Frauenhofer IAO - Virtual Engineering, we were able to test the Immersive Participation Lab, as well as visit the impressive High Performance Computing Centre Stuttgart and Adaptive High-Rise.

We would like to thank Mr Steinhagen from VDI and Züblin for the organisation and the exciting tours!

[Translate to English:] Gruppenfoto der Exkursion Stuttgart, 2023
[Translate to English:] Gruppenfoto der Exkursion Stuttgart, 2023