WINE-GROWING LANDMARK – Barrier-free multifunctional building with thermal component activation

Task: Development of a representative and innovative preliminary design for a barrier-free multifunctional building with thermal component activation for the Viticulture and Grapevine Breeding Competence Centre of the Federal College and Federal Office for Wine and Fruit Growing in Klosterneuburg as a landmark. The HBLAuBA Klosterneuburg is considered a modern educational institution where young people are taught by competent teachers with human and professional skills, where teaching is highly topical, practical, cosmopolitan and economically competent, and where there is a close personal and local connection with the research departments of the Federal Office, where there is a sensitive response to the needs of society and where action is taken responsibly from an ecological and ethical point of view. In order to be able to sustainably pass on these values, the Higher Federal Teaching Institute and the Federal Agency for Viticulture and Fruit-Growing in Klosterneuburg, as a department directly subordinate to the BMLFUW, dared to take a look into the future.