Top-Nachrichten aus den Forschungsbereichen


Are you planning a new, innovative mobility project? In that case, use our new innovation barrier tool free of charge!

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The LOGI-Tool project was launched at the beginning of May! Within the framework of the project, tools for a better assessment of needs and…

News from all fields of activity of the Institute of Spatial Planning

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After the summer break, it's time for the new semester! From September 5th, 2024, students can register for the courses of the winter semester 2024 in…

Portraitfoto von Luke Juday

Luke Juday is a lecturer and PhD-candidate interested in comparative planning, spatial demography, and the politics of land use. Before returning to…

Auf dem Bild ist ein Kongress Saal zu sehen. Vorne im Bild sitzen Leute. Hinten in Bild sitzen vier Personen vor einem Pult und reden.
© Emilie Blondy / Sciences Po

From 8 to 12 July, the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE) and the Urban School of Sciences Po in Paris hosted the 36th annual…