Peer Review - Smart Specialisation Strategy in Västernorrland

Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform & Region Västernorrland

© Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform & Region Västernorrland

Västernorrland is a sparsely populated area in Sweden that has become a hotspot for reindustrialization initiatives, especially in energy-intensive industries. In the context of the ESPON NoStaGeo project, opens an external URL in a new window, SRF, represented by Alexandra Pintilie, participated in the Interreg Europe Peer Review in Härnösand, Västernorrland. The aim of the peer review was to improve the strategic and operational capacities in the priority areas (according to S3) to ensure that the entire regional innovation ecosystem works together in a systematic and structured way to strengthen the region. Together with peer experts from Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Finland, France and Germany, current initiatives and practices in the region were reflected upon and development potentials were discussed.