All news at TU Wien

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© TU Wien

A seemingly paradoxical prediction in physics has now been confirmed in an experiment: No matter whether an object is opaque or transparent, the…

Portrait ofMarkus Valtiner

Professor Markus Valtiner was appointed to TU Wien in October 2017. He came equipped with an ERC grant and has plenty of big plans.

Photo of the construction site
© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

As part of the lecture Rock and Tunnel Construction, interested students visited a construction lot of the construction site of the Semmering Base…

Ana Slatnar und Maja Mikulič-Petkovšek aus Slowenien verbrachten mehrere Monate an der TU Wien. Eine Bereicherung für beiden Seiten.

[Translate to EnEva Sevcsik at the award ceremony for the FWF's prestigious Elice Richter Prizeglish:] Eva Sevcsik bei der Verleihung des renommierten Elice-Richter-Preises des FWF
© TU Wien I Biophysics

Eva gets selected for the prestigious Elice Richter Programm by the FWF