All news at TU Wien

Excursion Semmering base tunnel

Photo of the construction site

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

1 of 2 images or videos

Photo of the construction site

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

1 of 2 images or videos

As part of the lecture Rock and Tunnel Construction, interested students visited a construction lot of the construction site of the Semmering Base Tunnel, as well as the Longsgraben landfill and the ÖBB info box in Gloggnitz. First, the construction site equipment of the longest construction phase (construction lot SBT 2.1 intermediate attack Fröschnitzgraben) with 2 shaft structures was visited, as well as the Longsgraben landfill and the connecting conveyor belt. During the inspection of the landfill, the up to 25 m high reinforced earth, constructions and various slope stabilizations were admired. The complex interplay between the legal basis, the construction industry aspects and the geotechnical aspects was explained using the project as an example. Afterwards we visited the exciting exhibition in the Infobox in Gloggnitz before returning to Vienna.