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Eva gets selected for the prestigious Elice Richter Programm by the FWF

[Translate to EnEva Sevcsik at the award ceremony for the FWF's prestigious Elice Richter Prizeglish:] Eva Sevcsik bei der Verleihung des renommierten Elice-Richter-Preises des FWF

© TU Wien I Biophysics

Eva Sevcsik at the award ceremony for the FWF's prestigious Elice Richter Prize

Eva Sevcsik got awarded the prestigious Elice Richter Prize by the FWF earlier this year.The Elise Richter programme targets extremely well qualified female scientists and aims to provide the necessary qualifications to apply for professional positions with Austria or abroad ("Habilitation" or equal qualification).

On March 8th 2017, the Sektionschefin of the Ministry of Science, Barabara Weitgruber, and the president of the FWF, Klement Tockner, awarded the grant certificates to the laureates.