All news at TU Wien

Plane concrete surface

Using a new construction method developed at the Vienna University of Technology, ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG has built a wildlife bridge on the future…

[Translate to English:] Karl Sagmeister
© Schneider Electric Austria Ges.m.b.H.

Karl Sagmeister is an alumni of the General Management MBA (Class 2015-2017) and in an interview he told us about why he decided to participate in the…

Mit Ammoniak behandelte Bidens-Blüte

Warum gibt es keine blauen Weihnachtssterne oder roten Usambaraveilchen? Wie entstehen eigentlich die Farben der Blüten und Früchte?

picture of Montse
© TU Wien I Biophysics

Montse Lopez Martinz joins our group as a PostDoc

[Translate to English:]

TU Wien and Sandoz GmbH have successfully implemented a real-time computer simulation of the complex growth behaviour of penicillin producing…