All news at TU Wien

Career Spotlight: Dr. Christoph Fida, MSc MRICS

Portrait Christoph Fida

Mr. Fida has graduated in our Master's Program Real Estate Investment & Valuation.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of real estate education at the TU Wien, he answered the questions of our interview team.

Degree in
MSc Real Estate Investment & Valuation

Year of graduation

Current professional position
Director, Advisory

KPMG Real Estate Advisory GmbH

What are the main reasons for the success of the Real Estate programs at the Vienna University of Technology?
The excellent combination of practice and theory on the one hand and the limited number of participants on the other hand.

Why is a degree from the TU Wien considered valuable by employers in the real estate sector?
The degree has become a kind of seal of approval within the industry. I work regularly with graduates of the course, including from other classes, and find the collaboration pleasant and highly professional.

How can you apply the knowledge acquired at the Vienna University of Technology in your current position?
The broad knowledge gained during the master's program enables me to question things more easily. By enlarging my network, it is also easier for me to get more informed answers from other areas when needed for specific knowledge.

During your years at university, what were the most important learnings for your real estate career?
The double burden of studying and working is certainly challenging, but it's worth it.

How was or is the relationship to your fellow students?
With some of my classmates I'm in close contact. Since we spent so much time together during our time at the university, we have grown together.

What memories come to your mind thinking back to your times at TU Wien?
Even though it was an exhausting time I look back with very positive thoughts.

Which word would describe your real estate studies at the Vienna University of Technology best?