All news at TU Wien

Photo of the group on the construction site
© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

As part of the lecture Foundation Engineering and Soil Mechanics (Bachelor's degree), an excursion to a construction site in Vienna took place at the…

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© TU Wien

A team at TU Wien now has the proof behind the speculations that water molecules can form complex bridge-like structures when they accumulate on…

Integrative Multidisciplinary People-centered Architectural Qualification & Training.


[Translate to English:] Teilchen von der Sonne treffen mit hoher Geschwindigkeit auf dem Merkur ein. [1]

Electrically charged particles from the sun strike moons and planets with great force. The consequences of these impacts can now be explained by…

Picture of the certificate ceremony
© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

On 22 June 2018, Dipl.-Ing. Jacqueline Plachy BSc won the FCP Innovation Award 2017 for her diploma thesis entitled "Numerical investigation of the…

Picture of the certificate ceremony
© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

On 4 June 2018, Dipl.-Ing. Muratcan Gümüs received the 2017 Scientific Award "Building Materials Recycling" for his diploma thesis entitled…