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Immo Spotlight: Mag. Astrid Grantner, MSc MRICS (EHL Immobilien Bewertung GmbH)

Portrait Astrid Grantner

Mag. Astrid Grantner, MSc MRICS completed our MSc Real Estate Investment & Valuation at TU Wien in 2010. Today she is the managing director of real estate valuation at EHL Immobilien GmbH, opens an external URL in a new window, one of the largest real estate service providers in Austria. In addition to that, Mrs. Grantner ist Vice President and cashier at ImmoABS, opens an external URL in a new window, the alumni association of our real estate courses.

In a video interview we shot at the offices of EHL, Ms. Grantner looks back on her days as a student and tells us why she still has her lecture notes from back then in the closet.


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Immo Spotlight: Mag. Astrid Grantner, MSc MRICS (EHL Immobilien Bewertung GmbH)