All news at TU Wien

[Translate to English:] MoodleMoot DACH BarCamp

Die erste offizielle MoodleMoot DACH hat von Dienstag, den 10. September bis Freitag, den 13. September 2019 an der Technischen Universität in Wien,…

 Thorium can be used to create a new kind of ultra-precise clock.
© Atominstitut

Two research teams have succeeded simultaneously in measuring the long-sought Thorium nuclear transition, which enables extremely precise nuclear…

Margit Gföhler, Maria, Michael Harasek

Biofluidslab at the 15th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing in Coimbra, Portugal, September 26-28, 2019

The TU Wien expresses its position and internal regulations regarding the handling of research data in the form of a policy.