All news at TU Wien

Coronavirus – Update: Distance Learning, Exams

TISS is again available as a booking system, an examination guide is currently being developed.

COVID-19 Update: 20.4.2020

As you have already been informed in the update on 03.04.2020, opens an external URL in a new window, TISS is available again as a booking system and the originally entered dates have been set to rejected.  The Distance Learning Form which was used in the last weeks to coordinate appointments does not have to be filled in anymore.

In order to be able to organise and administer the allocation of rooms accordingly, all rooms will be managed centrally in TISS temporarily during the exceptional situation due to security measures. This means that the release of the room reservation is done by ZLLRM, as this is also connected to the access authorization to the corresponding TUW-building.

Please also note that before and after each course that takes place within the TUW premises, a time window of 30 minutes must be kept free for cleaning.

Please note that currently only courses that are held in a Distance Learning Format should be booked. All other dates must currently be declined due to the current situation.

Please enter all your LVA dates in TISS to enable the planning of overlap-free study plans also for Distance Learning!


A separate guideline for the handling of presence tests is currently being developed, which will enable the planning of these tests as soon as the boundary conditions have been clarified. Details in this regard will follow in the course of the next two weeks. We would like to ask you not to make any entries of examination dates until then, as they cannot be approved.

A guideline for the handling of online examinations, both oral and written, will follow in the form of a mailing at the end of this week.

Information website:, opens an external URL in a new window

Thank you for your support in dealing with the situation.

Best regards,

Kurt Matyas
Vice Rector Academic Affairs