Aktuelles von der Wassergütewirtschaft

DWA Berufung von Jörg Krampe

The technical standards and guidelines of the DWA Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall provide a very important basis for…

Metrohm IC mit Combustion Module

Improving our understanding of the sources, emissions and fate of PFAS in water systems has become a major focus of our research. Our efforts and…

Integrated mdelling of fertilizer and climate change scenario impacts on agricultural production and nitrogen losses in Austria

The EU's Farm to Fork strategy aims to reduce nutrient losses from agriculture by 50% by decreasing fertilizer use by 20%. How realistic is this…

Vienna Design Week 2024

Art meets science at TU Wien.
As part of the Vienna Design Week, a new water-related Free Genie art collection was presented and interesting…

Neues Paper von Nikola Krlovic

Happy to present Krlovic et al 2024, part 2!

Another paper from his time at Research Unit Water Quality Management and our PFAS journey is now…

Ernis Saracevic bei Roten Nasen Lauf 2024

Very proud of our Head of Laboratory Ernis Saracevic!
Despite the high pressure and workload of coordinating and supporting so many challenging tasks…

Sebastian Böhler - Vanessa Parravicini -- Jörg Krampe

What a great edition of the International Water Association Specialized Conference on the Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater…

Giulia Dosso

We're happy to welcome Giulia Dosso to our team!
Giulia is finishing her Master's in Civil Engineering at Università degli Studi di Ferrara in Italy.…