Aktuelles von der Wassergütewirtschaft

DWA Dialog Berlin Fotomontage

Climate neutrality - relevance and potential of water management.
This was the title of
Jörg Krampe's presentation at the "DWA Dialog" in Berlin, the…

Gruppenbild des Kleinen Institutstreffen in Zürich 2022
© Eberhard Morgenroth

Five universities, a small group with mixed career stages and the willingness to take a break from hectic everyday tasks to discuss and reflect…

Bilder von Laborarbeiten in Armenien
© Tonoyan, Hohenblum, Kreuzinger

Within the EU4EnvWaterDAra mission in Armenia last week, Norbert Kreuzinger and Phlipp Hohenblum from Umweltbundesamt - Environment Agency Austriasup…

Interessierte Kinder am Wiener Forschungsfest
© iwr

What do red cabbage and wastewater treatment have in common? How can the inner surface of 1 teaspoon of powdered activated carbon be as large as…