Aktuelles von der Wassergütewirtschaft

Einschlagen eines Proberohrs auf einem Feld
© A. Eder

The EU project Antiversa, in which we participate with the research of Julia Vierheilig and Irina Dielacher, and which aims to understand how…

Porträtfotos von Vierheilig und Zoboli

Upon signing the agreements with the Rector defining their specific tenuretrack objectives, Julia Vierheilig and Ottavia Zoboli have now become…

dex summer school Deckblatt

Are you a post-graduate or doctoral student or a young water professional looking for a chance to deepen your knowledge in waterquality management and…

Gruppenbild Studierende Exkurison HKA Wien
© J. Krampe

What a better ending for our course on wastewatertreatment than an excursion to the large plant in Vienna Ebswien Hauptkläranlage Ges.m.b.H? A great…

Titelbild Einladung

Der Entwurf für die neue Kommunalabwasserrichtlinie fördert ausdrücklich die Ausweitung der Wasserwiederverwendung in Europa. Das war für lange Zeit…

Gruppenbild von der Weihnachtsfeier
© iwr

We wish to all of you Merry Christmas and a new year full of inspiring collaboration, succesful projects, new knowledge and a good dose of fun!

First Central European Power to Gas Conferenz
© Tauber

Our colleague Joseph Tauber was at the First Central European Power-to-Gas Conference at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest this week. He…

Interreg Danube Hazard m3c Finalevents
© Kaps, Zoboli

Busy but rewarding week for the partners of the Interreg Danube Hazard m3c project.
At our final events, we presented and discussed the main…

Titelblatt DWA-Themen
© dwa

Hot off the press: Application of ozonation for the abatement of contaminants of emerging concern for urban wastewater treatment – experiences,…