Nachhaltigkeit & Energie News

ETIA Excursion to the Zwentendorf Nuclear Power Plant

Our recent excursion to the Zwentendorf Nuclear Power Plant was a fascinating journey into energy history. As the only nuclear power plant in the world that was fully built but never put into operation, Zwentendorf offers a unique insight into nuclear technology and Austria's energy policies.

Group instruction

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containment vessel

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Fuel Rod

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Pressure Vessels

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Control Room

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Our guests from the Vienna School of International Studies, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster were fascinated by the time travel back to the 1970s and together with the MSc Program Environmental Technology and International Affairs students we explored the reactor hall, control room, and safety systems, gaining a hands-on understanding of nuclear power generation.

The ETIA students emphasized that the excursion provided a unique opportunity to connect their newly acquired knowledge from Prof. Kaluba Chitumbo’s "Nuclear Energy and Safety" lecture with practical insights into nuclear technology.

Our learning journey to Zwentendorf sparked discussions about renewable energy and Austria’s decision to abandon nuclear power. If you also want to become a Sustainability expert, find out more about our program