Unsere Events

24. September 2024, 09:00 bis 17:00

[EN] Hochschuldidaktische Basisausbildung: “Didactic Basics” (2/2)


Please register only for one basic education, these are alternative offers!

Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Veranstaltung in englischer Sprache abgehalten wird!

Date:                          17.09.2024 & 24.09.2024

Time / Duration:        9:00 – 17:00, 16 hours

Location:                   Seminarraum AA 03-1, AA (Raumcode: AA0352), Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien

Trainer:                      MMag. Dr. Elisabeth Weber

Group size:               8-15 participants

Language:                English

Target group:           All instructors

Learning outcomes:  
By the end of the course, participants can...

  • … analyze requirements of sustainable learning and teaching.
  • … apply basic principles and methods of university didactics and academic instruction.
  • … formulate learning outcomes.
  • … state quality features of university didactics and academic instruction.
  • … develop an awareness of the importance of teacher professionalization.
  • … critically evaluate and reflect their important role as instructors for sustainable learning processes in students.
  • … gain support and inspiration from a collaborative network of practitioners through new and stronger professional relationships.


  • Basic principles of learning and teaching
  • Fundamental concepts, processes and methods of university didactics and academic instruction
  • Formulation of learning outcomes
  • Quality features of university didactics and academic instruction
  • Awareness raising as reflective professionals
  • Individual professional support and professional exchange


We work in various interactive settings using a variety of teaching methods ranging from individual reflection to pair work, smaller and larger group activities, discussions, and short theoretical input sessions. The methods used are all among the most essential teaching methods for academic instruction. This allows a hands-on experience and provides examples of the methods’ actual implementation.



Seminarraum AA 03-1, AA (Raumcode: AA0352)
1040 Vienna
Karlsplatz 13



focus:lehre Team
focus:lehre Team











Anmeldung erforderlich


Registration online via TISS unter https://tiss.tuwien.ac.at/tu_events/tu_event/11366, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster