Unsere Events

21. September 2023, 19:00 bis 21. Juni 2023 21:00

ESEIA Lecture Series: Sustainable Energy Innovation Systems for Climate Neutrality


De-Fossilization of Industry and Mobility: How can it work?

European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance ESEIA cordially invites you to attend the seventh in a series of ESEIA international lectures entitled Sustainable Energy Innovation Systems for Climate Neutrality
The seminar is organised by ESEIA in cooperation with TU Graz Forum Technology and Society, the Austrian Federation of Industries Styria and TU Austria The event is supported of the Styrian Government

The seventh lecture, on De-Fossilization of Industry and Mobility: How can it work? will be delivered at

Inffeldgasse 18,  HS i1
21 Sept 2023, 19:00 -  21:00 CET
The lecture is also accessible online

Invited Lecture by: Georg Brasseur, former President Austrian Academy of Sciences
Response 1: Walter Berger, Managing Director, voestalpine Wire Rod Austria GmbH
Response 2: Juergen Rechberger , Vice President, Hydrogen & Fuel Cell, AVL
Chair: Gerhard Murer, Forum Technology and Society, Anton Paar GmbH
Host: Helmut Eichlseder , TU Graz

Defossilising industries and mobility is crucial for achieving EU climate targets and ensuring the EU’s industrial competitiveness and strategic autonomy, as well as human well being The lecture brings together university and industry representatives from different fields to share their viewpoints on how to decarbonise society We will review climate targets of the Green Deal, explore solution packages, and discuss the push and pull factors of energy transition by 2050 as well as results from the EU funded RE 4 Industry Our invited lecturer will lay
out the topic, followed by two responses that focus on decarbonising the steel sector and making the mobility sector 100 renewable

The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion and an open exchange with the audience on site and online

Join us for this exceptional lecture! We invite you to register, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster for onsite or online participation before 19 September