
28. Mai 2024, 16:00 bis 17:00

Stefan Uttenthaler, TU Wien, Institute of Applied Physics, Research Area Surface Science


Evolution and Observation of Red Giant Stars


Very diverse research in different fields of physics is done at the Institute of Applied Physics, yet one is probably not so much known: The research on red giant stars. These are cool, luminous giant stars of low or intermediate mass in a late phase of stellar evolution. In the distant future, also the Sun will eventually turn into a red giant star. They are fascinating objects also from the point of view that a wide array of physical processes need to be studied for a better understanding of the stars’ properties: From nuclear fusion processes in their interior, via atomic and molecular physics in their atmospheres, to the growth of dust grains in their extended envelopes and stellar winds. The talk will give a short introduction to the evolution of red giant stars, describe their characteristic properties, and how they can be observed. In particular, it will focus on the stars’ variability (pulsation) properties and spectral observations of the radioactive element technetium. Both can be used to gain insight into what is going on in the stars’ interior as well as the properties of the stellar wind. I will give an insight into how I do research on these stars and how it connects to other research done at the IAP.

Stefan Uttenthaler is the science manager of the SFB TACO (“TAming COmplexity in Materials Modelling”) in IAP’s surface-physics group. He did a PhD in astronomy and worked as a full-time astronomer for several years. He did part of his PhD research at the headquarters of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Garching near Munich, visited ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile several times for work on an infra-red spectrograph, and worked as a postdoc for three years in Leuven, Belgium. After his life as a professional astronomer, he worked for several years at the Austrian Science Fund FWF as a scientific project officer for physics and astrophysics. As much as his duties allow him, he still pursues astrophysical research.



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1040 Wien
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10/E134



Manuela Marik








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