
19. April 2023, 10:00 bis 12:00

#EoI - Using the Beat Failure Methodology® to increase efficiency


Have you ever wondered why some projects derail, making it difficult to find the clarity needed to get back on track and lead to failure? It’s simple to look back at what went wrong, but if you could have applied a method to prevent those failures from happening, wouldn’t you have used it? The most common tactic seen amongst all types of people and companies is to list out what success looks like, and to derive a plan to achieve those goals. But this is flawed. It’s time to turn the conversation of success on it’s head, and start talking about what would cause something to fail. Only by identifying the failure points, can you build a bulletproof strategy, in order to succeed.

What is the Beat Failure® methodology?

Butchershop designed the Beat Failure® methodology to have four main components: mindset, methodology, digital tool, and interactive workshop product. We use this approach for all initiatives large and small. The premise is about flipping success on its head and discussing topics from the perspective of failure. The reason we do this is that the opposite of failure is not success, but rather clarity. The belief is that clarity is the path to success. Beat Failure is designed to maximize clarity in any company, team, project, and task which creates maximum alignment, stronger strategies, execution plans, accountability, and next steps. Out of the 700 startups, soon-icorns and unicorns we’ve worked with over the years, success is usually the mandate, but the path to achieve it is sometimes unclear.

During the the Beat Failure® workshop, you will:

  • Learn how to apply the mindset and methodology
  • Gain a deep understand of the process in order to apply it directly to your initiative through tackling what possible failure points may arise on the path to success
  • See how it has been used in real life companies and situations
  • Leave with clarity on how to identify the pitfalls and risks and how to turn them into a strategy and accountability.

Butchershop’s Beat Failure®approach can help you in maximizing clarity with your research projects to effectively execute your initiatives.

About the speaker

Katinka Weber is the Global Program Manager of Butchershop® Global, a growth and transformation agency with offices in the US, Europe and Mexico. Butchershop connects consulting, creativity and technology to help brands break into emerging markets or break out to lead them. Services include five core offerings: Strategy and Consulting, Brand and Content, Digital and Product, Performance and Media, and Venture and Incubation.

Throughout her 7-year career, Katinka has worked with some of the world’s most successful brands, ranging from early and late-stage startups to Fortune 500 companies such as Daimler, Star Alliance, Haufe to startups like Airportr, Hoopo, and Kiana. Katinka and the Butchershop team have turned an unwavering emphasis on clarity into the Beat Failure™ methodology, helping leaders steer through the challenges of inflection points ᠆ whether they be at a moment of growth, scale, evolution, transformation or launch.

About the Engines of Innovation Series

The Engines of Innovation Series organized by the TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center (i²c) is a format that offers workshops to scientists who are seeking to broaden their horizons in the field of innovation and healthy high performance. These workshops are free of charge to scientists from all faculties and institutes of TU Wien. Registration required.



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TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center (i²c)
Magdalena Stejskal










Anmeldung erforderlich


Registration possible for TU Wien scientific personnel and PhD students only. Please register here, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster.