
08. März 2023, 09:00 bis 13:00

#EoI - How to increase brain capacity with Life Kinetic® elements


with Nikolaus Mittheisz (Business coach | Lecturer | Mentor)

Brain capacity plays a crucial role for scientists to be efficient throughout their research journey. Even though you know how to solve complex challenges, it’s rather common that your brain performance is not always at its peak. The good news is that there are techniques that help in activating and increasing brain capacity.

This workshop will include:

- Facts and neuroscientific findings about the brain

- Cognitive, coordinative & perception exercises

- Dealing with everyday challenges and developing adaptation strategies

- Efficient mechanisms for focus & concentration

- Sustainable training methods for the office and at home

Benefits for the participants:

- Allows you to better understand and work with your most important organ: your brain

- Get to know cognitive, coordinative & perception exercises for everyday (work) life

- Enables you to perceive more attentively, think more freely, optimize coordination, improve concentration, produce more synapses and much more...

This workshop will help you to get most out of your brain capacity, so that you can work on your research projects more effectively.

About the speaker

Mag. Nikolaus Mittheisz, MSc is transformation, innovation and organizational development enthusiast with more than 20 years of profound management, innovation and sales expertise in different management positions and several years of experience in startup collaboration and mentoring. As a business coach, mentor, lecturer and certified life kinetic® trainer he has a big dedication for helping people and organizations to challenge themselves and thrive.

About the Engines of Innovation Series

The Engines of Innovation Series organized by the TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center (i²c) is a format that offers workshops to scientists who are seeking to broaden their horizons in the field of innovation and healthy high performance. These workshops are free of charge to scientists from all faculties and institutes of TU Wien. Registration required.



During the event, photographic and video material will be taken. Please inform the i²c team at the venue in case you do not agree with appearing in this material. The photographic and video material taken at the event will be used by i²c in printed and electronic media for promotional purposes.



Vortragsraum Bibliothek
1040 Vienna
Resselgasse 4



TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center (i²c)
Magdalena Stejskal










Anmeldung erforderlich


Register here (TU Wien scientists & academic personnel only):, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster