
16. Mai 2018, 09:00 bis 17:00

[EN] How can I teach more successfully in English? (Part 1/2)



Termin: 15. + 16.05.2018

Zeit/Dauer: 9-17 Uhr

Ort: Sitzungszimmer des Rektorats (Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien, 1. OG)

Trainer_in: John Waterman, avocets consulting, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

Kategorie: Spezialthemen der Hochschuldidaktik

Gruppengröße: up to 14 participants

Zielgruppe: This two-day workshop is specially designed to support teachers and researchers in universities whose first language is not English and who are, or may be required to deliver degree programs and/or present research in English.


Participants will…

  • be able to communicate more effectively in English with students and colleagues.
  • feel more confident when using English in lecture and seminars.
  • improve their English language competencies and recognise areas that need further
  • development
  • understand their students better and support them more effectively.
  • increase their range of strategies and activities to engage students.
  • take part more confidently in professional activities in English.


  • What is English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) and how can teachers and researchers use it with confidence when interacting with students and colleagues?
  • What challenges do academics and students face in an EMI programme?
  • Developing classroom management skills, with emphasis on the meta-language of the classroom and checking comprehension
  • Presentation skills: sign-posting language, explaining and exemplifying
  • Creating presence through voice, body language and gesture
  • Communicating effectively: being clear and concise, checking understanding and clarifying meaning
  • Improving pronunciation: sounds, intonation, developing the voice and managing delivery


  • Participant focused and interactive
  • Group-, pair- and individual work
  • Problem solving, simulations, role-plays and discussions

Kosten für Mitarbeiter_innen anderer Universitäten: 350 €



Sitzungszimmer des Rektorats, 1. OG
1040 Wien
Karlsplatz 13



focus:lehre Team








Anmeldung erforderlich
