
12. Januar 2023, 09:00 bis 12:00

#EoI - My Northstar


Do you have your personal Northstar? That bright, shiny thing in the middle of the night’s darkness that gives directions, that allows you to decide what gets a “YES” and what gets a “NO” in your life?

If you don’t have your Northstar you shouldn’t be too surprised if you wake up one day, wondering why you are where you are. You are interested to get back into the driver's seat of your life? You’d like to have (finally) more clarity for what you’d like to see happening? You are wondering how to put all that on your personal visionboard? These are the things we are going to touch in this workshop – but only join if you are ready to get some work done, answer some questions for yourself and if you are ready to differentiate yourself from average-performers.

About the speaker

Michaela Lindinger is founder & CEO of braininspa, an executive sparring and employee experience company. Braininspa nudges visionary leaders and entrepreneurs to the right structures, habits and mindset for maximizing their healthy high performance.

Michaela worked with Fortune 500 organizations around the world on digital strategies and large scale transformation projects, value creation and innovation assignments in multi-million-dollar projects. She has also worked with several startups and international corporate talents across industries to prepare their mindset for the digital transformation and adjusting their business models to become agile and purpose-driven.

Michaela is a millennial serial founder (3x CEO / Co-Founder) and experienced corporate executive, but also a passionate mom and family-manager. She is author and university lecturing professor for innovation, business models and leadership since the age of 29, a member of the international FORBES© Council and the International Society for Coaching Psychology. She holds an International Business Masters Degree from Austria and a Masters Degree in Coaching Psychology from the UK/London.

Check Michaela Lindinger on LinkedIn, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

About the Engines of Innovation Series

The Engines of Innovation Series organized by the TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center (i²c) is a format that offers workshops to scientists who are seeking to broaden their horizons in the field of innovation and healthy high performance. These workshops are free of charge to scientists from all faculties and institutes of TU Wien. Registration required.



0000 via Zoom



TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center
Alexandra Negoescu










Anmeldung erforderlich


Registration possible for TU Wien scientific personnel and PhD students only. Please register here, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster.