
19. Oktober 2022, 17:30 bis 19:30

F&I #78 with Josiane P. Lafleur (Founder of Invisible-Light Labs)


In this talk, Founder and Managing Director of Invisible-Light Labs, Josiane P. Lafleur, will share the journey of how bringing a new deep-tech technology from laboratory experiment to viable product can be a long and challenging process. Josiane will share Invisible-Light Labs' experience in translating academic research to market, how they obtained the necessary funding to do so, and recount the hardships and obstacles they faced along the way.

About the speaker

Josiane P. Lafleur, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster holds a doctorate degree in chemistry from McGill University (Canada). She worked for several years in research and academia, first as a postdoctoral fellow at the Technical University of Denmark and then as an Assistant Professor at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). In 2018, she decided to take the plunge and co-founded the TU Wien spin-off Invisible-Light Labs GmbH. The aim of Invisible-Light Labs is to bring radically new infrared sensing technology out of the confines of the laboratory, to the market where it can have a positive impact on our society.

About the Founder & Investor Talks series

The Founder & Investor Talks, organized by the Innovation Incubation Center (i²c) at TU Wien, enable the audience to learn firsthand from experienced founders, investors and innovators, and get inspired by their success (and failure) stories. Our guest speakers share their international experiences, dos & don’ts and lessons learned during an inspiring talk. Afterwards, the participants can ask all the burning questions during an interactive Q&A.

After the session, the attendees have the opportunity to network and mingle wit like-minded people while enjoying some free drinks provided by TUW i²c.

We are looking forward to meeting you!



*During the event, photographic and video material will be taken. Please inform the TUW i²c team at the venue in case you do not agree with appearing in this material. The photographic and video material taken at the event will be used by TUW i²c in printed and electronic media for promotional purposes.



TUW i2c Seminar Room
1040 Vienna
Taubstummengasse 11, 4th floor



TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center
Maria del Mar de Jose Homs










Anmeldung erforderlich


Please register here, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster.

The event is held in English.