
12. September 2022 bis 16. September 2022 ganztags

SCtrain Training Week: HPC in Engineering: focus on CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)


The course aims at sharing numerical methods implemented in state-of-the-art CFD industrial codes running on High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters, relying on the expertise of HPC specialists coming from four different European countries.

Between applicants 15 participants per partner country (Italy, Slovenia, Austria and Czech republic) will be selected. All travel and accommodation costs will be fully covered for the selected participants.


Mathematical models describing real-world engineering problems such as modelling flows around turbine blades, wind turbulence around a vehicle or boat, improving turbine engine performance, modelling of weather predictions, etc. are quite large in size due to many unknowns involved. On top of that, they present time dependency, meaning that the solution changes at each time step - at every second or even at smaller steps. Solving such problems is not a simple task and the use of HPC technologies and infrastructures enables to perform large simulations and to reduce their runtime. The participants will be introduced to the most common numerical methods used in engineering and will learn how to setup and perform a simulation using different softwares, both open-source and commercial, in an HPC cluster.

Target audience:

The program is intended for students and others that are interested in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and would like to expand their knowledge on using CFD as a predictive tool for real life engineering problems that need HPC resources to be solved.
Number of involved students from each country (Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Czech Republic) is limited to 15.

Prerequisite knowledge:

Participants should be familiar with the basics of engineering principles, fluid-mechanics, numerical analyses and be able to perform simple analyses. Furthermore, they should be able to work with Linux and have basic knowledge in programming. No specific experience with supercomputing systems is necessary.


The course will take place as an in-person event, using SSH remote connection to HPC clusters hosted in CINECA. Participants are expected to bring their own laptops to the event. Several different software will be demonstrated for dealing with CFD problems.

Software requirements:

During the training event several different software  for dealing with CFD problems will be demonstrated - Comsol, OpenFOAM, Ansys. The requirements for each software are:

- For installation of Ansys software on your laptop, an image of Windows OS is necessary.
- The installation of Comsol software on your laptop is possible for several OS-es.
- The installation of OpenFOAM software on your laptop is possible for several OS-es.
- To access the HPC cluster at CINECA additional software for the connection will be required.

All accepted participants will be informed on more detailed software requirements and how to install it before the training week.

Skills to be gained:

At the end of the course the student will be familiar with:

- a Linux-based HPC environment
- the theoretical background of the Computational Fluid-Mechanics
- the most common discretization techniques of the Navier-Stokes equations (Finite Volume, Finite Element)
- setup and run a simulation in parallel on a HPC cluster with three different CFD software (OpenFOAM, Ansys Fluent, Comsol)
- meshing concepts and possibilities within ANSYS CFD package

The training is offered by SCtrain - project aimed at complementing the gaps in current HE courses and taking up high performance computing (HPC) knowledge for future science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals. VSC Research Center at TU Wien is one of the four partners of SCtrain.



Bologna, Italien













Anmeldung erforderlich


Registration , öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fensterfor the event is due before 31 July 2022, you will be informed whether you've been selected for participation no later than 15 August 2022. All travel and accommodation costs will be fully covered for the selected participants. Therefore, please inform us immediately if your plans to participate change and you would like to withdraw your application.