
07. Juli 2022, 09:00 bis 17:00

High Potentials in Research: Your FWF START application 2022


In this course you get all necessary information and decision criteria either to pursue your START application for 2022 or to postpone it to 202x (Number of participants is limited to 15).

We will set the focus on motivation of the programme, the purpose of the single proposal parts and their contribution to overall programme aims.

Following a "blended learning" format you will have to do some preparations in TUWEL (like preparing an abstract, provide a self description). Based on this you will get additional information and feedback in an interactive format during the presence workshop on July 7th 2022. Furthermore, we will provide successful proposals from TU Wien researchers.

"The fundamental aim of the programme is the promotion of young researchers with at least two and at most eight years of postdoctoral experience who have already produced scientific/scholarly work of a top international standard and whose research careers to date make it likely that they will continue to perform first-rate research in the future. Top-class research is the result of teamwork by top-class people. The project funding, which amounts between EUR 800,000 up to EUR 1.2 Mio (around EUR 200,000 p.a.) is designed to provide financial security for a period of six years and to enable project leaders independently to build up or consolidate and lead research groups, thereby qualifying themselves for senior research positions (especially as university professors within Austria or abroad). The programme is targeted at highly qualified researchers of any discipline. Priority will be given to applicants, who are in an early stage of their career and have not yet received any third-part funding in programmes with similar aims and comparable funding amounts1 , e.g. „ERC Starting or ERC Consolidator Grants“."

Having this in mind, please make a quick self-check to see if you fulfil the eligability criteria, before you start!



TU Wien
Sitzungszimmer Rektorat 1040 Wien



Funding Support and Industry Relations
Elisabeth Schludermann and Christian Maszl-Kantner








Anmeldung erforderlich


Register here, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster!
Self-registration key: HP_START_2022