
09. August 2023, 09:00 bis 12:00

ERC-2024-StG and CoG-Calls - how to? - Part 1


Learn (more) about the Dos and Don’ts of an ERC application in 2 webinars!

The objective of these webinars (09th Aug. 2023 and .....) is to provide prospective applicants with all necessary information of planning, writing and submitting their ERC StG or CoG proposal. After the webinar you will also have access to video tutorials, handouts and analysis sheets via the Yellow-Research-Platform. Therefore, it is a perfect preparation for your own ERC proposal. 

Lotte Jaspers from Yellow Research, a trainer with many years’ experience of coaching ERC Grantees, hosts these webinars. Therefore, she has a lot of expertise and experience regarding ERC proposal, which she is very happy to share in this course. 

After the webinar you will also have access to video tutorials, handouts and analysis sheets via the Yellow-Research-Platform. Therefore, it is a perfect preparation for your own ERC proposal.

Due to the limited number of participants, we will allocate places predominantly to persons who are planning to submit in the ERC-Call.  

This event will be held in English and is open for all prospective ERC applicants for the ERC-2024-Calls - limited number of participants! 

Detailed information on the upcoming ERC2024-Calls and our related support services can be found on the FöWi-Co-LAB-space, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster.



TU Wien,
Zoom Online



Funding Support and Industry Relations
Dr. Elisabeth Schludermann








Anmeldung erforderlich


After the registration window has expired, those participants who have been selected for the 2-part online seminar will receive a confirmation email from us with the access data.