
2023-11-24, 2023-11-24 bis 2023-11-24

AI: Artificial Intelligence and Architecture Innovation


Artificial intelligence has the potential to change the way we think, work and the world itself. Therefore, the symposium “AI: Artificial Intelligence and Architecture Innovation” will focus on the questions, of where and how AI can enhance our lives and be used for the benefit of architecture and real estate innovation. The symposium will feature presentations by various specialists, present research works of architecture students, and is supposed to ignite discussions. The keynote will be held by the well-known principal of Zaha Hadid Architects, Dr DI Patrik Schumacher.

The symposium will be held in English. It is being organised jointly by the TU Wien Institute of Real Estate Development and Project Management, the Institute of Property Research (IPRE), and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Austria (RICS).

Speakers will be (in alphabetical order):

  • Dr Matias del Campo: architect, designer, educator and director of the Laboratory for Architecture and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Michigan
  • Dr Ayse Glass: Researcher in Digital City Science at the HafenCity University Hamburg
  • M.Arch Mariya Korolova: University Assistant at the TU Wien Institute of Real Estate Development and Project Management and Senior Researcher at IPRE
  • Manuel Mofidian: AI Attorney and CEO of Mofidian Attorneys
  • Fabian Pitscheider: CO-Founder and CPO of OPTIMUSE
  • DI Jenny Wenkel: Member of the Management Board and CIO of Union Investment
  • Univ. Prof. Prof. DI Arch. Dietmar Wiegand: Head of TU Wien Institute of Real Estate Development and Project Management and Senior Researcher at IPRE

More information and the exact timetable are available on the website of the faculty for architecture and planning:, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster 

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IPRE (Co-Host)



Technische Universität Wien
1040 Wien
Hörsaal 17 - Friedrich Hartmann, Hauptgebäude, Stiege 7, 3. Stock, Karlsplatz 13



TU Wien Institute of Real Estate Development and Project Management, Institute of Property Research (IPRE), and Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Austria (RICS).
Mariya Korolova










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