Peter Ertl

Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.Peter Ertl

Institut für Chemische Technologien und Analytik, Forschungsgruppe Cell Chip

Habilitiert für: Nanobiotechnology (BOKU), Lab-on-a-Chip Systems for BioScience

Homepage (Universität): E164-03-1-Forschungsgruppe Anorganische Werkstoffe | TU Wien

My research involves the development of advanced lab-on-a-chip systems for biomedical
applications. The interdisciplinary nature of my research brings together (bio)sensor technology,
biology, chemistry and microfluidics to develop (bio)assays and lab-on-a-chip systems for the
multilevel sensing of tissue structures in vitro. The ultimate aim of my research is to understand
dynamic interactions in complex biological systems, such as cell assemblies, organoids and cell
barriers. As such, an important aspect of my research is the manufacturability of microdevices using
industrial-relevant materials and processes, as well as the heterogeneous integration of micro- and
nanosensors, miniaturized fluid handling systems and actuators to establish the higher level system
architectures needed for automated organ-on-a-chip systems.