Oliver Spadiut

Oliver Spadiut

Associate Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. nat. tech. Oliver Spadiut

Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, Umwelttechnik und technische Biowissenschaften, Forschungsgruppe Integrierte Bioprozessentwicklung

Habilitiert für: Biotechnologie

Homepage (Universität): E166-04-2-Forschungsgruppe Integrierte Bioprozessentwicklung | TU Wien

AT TU Wien, Oliver Spadiut did his Habilitation in Biotechnology in 2015 and started his own research group “Integrated Bioprocess Development”. In 2022 he became Head of the Research Area Biochemical Engineering. His research dealt with the development of biotechnological production processes mainly for biopharmaceuticals.