Welcome Moritz Pellegrini!

We're thrilled to welcome Moritz Pellegrini as a new project assistant in our team!

Neuer Mitarbeiter Moritz Pellegrini

Neuer Mitarbeiter Moritz Pellegrini

We're thrilled to welcome Moritz Pellegrini as a new project assistant in our team!
Moritz joins Julia Vierheilig's research group as PhD candidate, following his Master studies in biophysics and an MSc thesis in molecularbiology on intraflagellar transport in Tetrahymena thermophila at Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich). At IWR, Moritz will focus on antimicrobialresistance in wastewater and surfacewater, contributing to several key research projects. These include the FFG Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft, öffnet eine externe URLmbH KIRAS project ARISE dealing with a comprehensive evaluation of molecular analysis methods for detecting antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) in wastewater with the aim to advance best-practice strategies for routine AMR wastewatersurveillance as well as the projects CSI Abwasser and the EU Joint Action EU-WISH. Welcome at our institute, Moritz! We’re excited to have you on board.