[Translate to English:] Mann im Freien hinter geometrischer Figur

Technology for people.

TU Wien News

shaping the future together

The next phase of fuTUre fit: On March 24 2025, the rectorate team will present the strategy paper and provide details about the implementation phase.

Group photo outdoors with a view of the green dome of St. Charles Church and a blue sky.

With ETITFem, a new women's network has been founded at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (ETIT). This means that all…

a chip with tiny structures

Superconducting circuits are being used at TU Wien and ISTA to create new types of quantum systems that are much easier to control and much more…

Minister of the Interior, Dr. Joachim Herrmann, informed himself about the  activities and projects of TU Wien
© TU Wien

On February 12th, 2025, the second ‘Aerospace Aviation Congress Interdisciplinary International’ took place in Nuremberg, which was co-organised by…

Three women in front of a whiteboard

TU Wien, the University of Innsbruck and the company qtlabs are working together on a major FFG-funded project to make quantum cryptography secure and…

a red hot metal rod, an a second rod covered in icicles

Breakthrough in materials research: an alloy of several metals has been developed that shows practically no thermal expansion over an extremely large…

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