[Translate to English:] Mann im Freien hinter geometrischer Figur

Technology for people.

TU Wien News

shaping the future together

All information on the Strategy Development Process at TU Wien.

Two researchers in front of a blackboard

A kind of ‘umbilical cord’ between different quantum states can be found in some materials. Researchers at TU Wien have now shown that this ‘umbilical…

[Translate to English:] Partikel mit unterschiedlicher Konfiguration

A phenomenon that plays an important role in biology and drug production has now been explained with physics at TU Wien.

Colorful light ball
© Dominik Hornof/TU Wien

Zooming in to the “pixels of reality”: the electron microscope helps us to do that. However, it is unsuited for particularly sensitive targets. A…

Bild Quote Zähler


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