University Life and Culture News

Claudia Gollner bei der Arbeit mit Schutzbrille.

A new, extremely efficient source of terahertz radiation has been developed at TU Wien (Vienna): Lasers turn air into plasma, thereby producing…

Photo: Luisa Puiu / TU Wien, free to download and use
© Luiza Puiu / TU Wien

For years, a new synthesis method has been developed at TU Wien (Vienna) to unlock the secrets of "strange metals". Now a breakthrough has been…

TU Wien Logo im Schnee

Die TU Wien wünscht frohe und erholsame Feiertage (Geschenkpapier inklusive)! ❄ TU Wien wishes you Happy and Relaxing Holidays (wrapping paper…

Intensitätsverteilung eines elektrischen Wellenfeldes, das ein wohldefiniertes Drehmoment auf das quadratische Target ausübt. (Download und Verwendung honorarfrei © TU Wien)

Atoms, molecules or even living cells can be manipulated with light beams. At TU Wien a method was developed to revolutionize such "optical tweezers".

Cells spreading in a 3D scaffold - from left to right: week 1, week 3 week 5. Top: 3D setup, bottom: one layer only.

With a new process developed at TU Wien (Vienna), living cells can be integrated into fine structures created in a 3D printer - extremely fast and…