University Life and Culture News

The specifications of the Federal Government of 31.10.2020 on the 2nd lockdown in Austria require adjustments for the university operation at TU Wien.…

If the spins of phosphorus atoms in silicon are cleverly excited with microwave pulses, a so-called spin echo signal can be detected after a certain time. Surprisingly, this spin echo does not occur only once, but a whole series of echoes can be detected.
© Bild: C. Hohmann / MCQST

A research team from Garching and Vienna discovered a remarkable echo effect – it offers exciting new possibilities for working with quantum…

A Perovskite thin film electrode, on a ZrO2 crystal.
© TU Wien

Electrochemical reactions, which will play an important role in the future of energy supply, can now be explained in detail, thanks to measurements…

Dance couples in ball dress

Due to the current situation around the Corona pandemic the upcoming ball unfortunately cannot take place.